Friday, November 27, 2009

thanksgiving in mexico

Here is my most recent funny story.

( I haven’t written for some time,  but when I found out that Grandma Marlene checks my blog daily / really often, I decided to write another post!)

Last night in honor of el día de acción de gracias or thanksgiving , some of us students from calvin got together and cooked an entire thanksgiving meal for 24 people.

One of the things we cooked was stuffing, relleno. It was really tasty the night of the dinner, but over time for some reason, it started to get really soggy. Well I brought some home with me excited to have my family here try some “Traditional American Food”. Since everyone was sleeping, I put it in the back of the refridgerator, showered in icy cold water (which im finally getting the hang of), and went to bed.

Today, after a nice little nap in my hammock, my family woke me up to eat.

“Oh, I have some food for you guys to try!” I tell them.

“Oh... the vomit? Your mamá asked me earlier if maybe you came home last night and got sick in a bag and decided to put in the refridgerator” my papa tells me.


So of course my papá was kidding, but it really did look like vomit today! My family plopped it out on a plate and took the smallest bites I’ve ever seen them take of any food. “oh, yeah it’s pretty good.”


After eating lunch my dad took out some postre, dessert, from the fridge and my hermano who hadn’t touched his food wanted some. “No” my mom said “you didn’t eat your lunch, you didn’t try alexa’s vomit, you cannot have dessert”.


It has become the joke of the day.


And yes, vomit is now the mental image of American Thanksgiving for my family.


Haha, not really. But it made me laugh pretty hard, all of this.


Love you all!!




  1. OMG Alexa, Montana and I laughed so hard at your Thanksgiving post!!! We can only imagine the impression you made about American cuisine and Thanksgiving celebrations! It seems your diplomatic efforts are paying huge dividends...haha! Will you be home for Christmas? We love & miss you! Aunt Bonnie & Montana.
    P.S. Any new little visitors to your purse lately?

  2. Alexa, I am at the office laughing so loud.. everyone is wondering what is wrong with me.. I love that you ended up with a family with such a good sense of humor... I will never be able to eat stuffing without first thinking of vomit.. I love you... MOM
