Saturday, November 28, 2009

my birthday in november..same day as brittanys

This is the cutest and saddest birthday cake I’ve ever eaten.  It’s a cheesecake with strawberries and whipped cream. It’s from my family here in Mérida because they’re not going to be with me on my real birthday. They told me to eat a lot so that I could keep the flavor with me until April. I’m really glad my papá shoved my face in the cake because it prevented any tears from leaving my eyes. I cannot believe I’m really about to leave this place forever. Well, sure I can come back to Mérida. But the experience of really being a daughter and part of this family…that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to revisit.







1 comment:

  1. yes, this post brought me to tears... I still have tears in my eyes... I love you! MOM
